Thursday, February 19, 2009

Get to know me

I read an interesting blog a couple of weeks ago, which provided 50 things that the blogger loved and hated as a way to get to know that person. In an effort to start writing my blog again, I thought that this would be a good challenge. I added a rule: you can't name just name people, it has to be specific.

50 Things I love
1. The last 10 seconds of a close basketball game
2. Sudden death overtime in the Stanley Cup playoffs
3. The Final Four in San Antonio (my favorite city for the event)
4. Lost
5. Discovering a new tech that can save time and energy
6. Organization... finding things in less than 2 minutes
7. A nice, long workout
8. Deep dish pizza
9. Laughing until I cry
10. A great Cab from California
11. Then, finding a better wine at half the cost
12. Tasting menus at any restaurant created by Thomas Keller
13. Great White Sharks
14. Mom's loyalty
15. Indiana Jones (the dog)
16. Indiana Jones (the movies)
17. Being surprised
18. Any action movie with Bruce Willis (except that Hostage one...)
19. An amazing photo that captures the moment...especially if it's black and white
20. Watching a scary movie in the dark under a warm blanket
21. Jim's risotto
22. Tommy's smile when you walk into a room
23. Making someone laugh
24. Old friends that I don't have to explain myself to
25. Jen's sense of adventure
26. Playing hockey with Indy
27. Long summer boat rides
28. Fall colors
29. John's work ethic
30. Controversies (I think I've read 10 books on who killed JFK)
31. Weddings (but 3 in 1 year is a bit much)
32. Darts and foosball
33. Setting records (even if they are as stupid as fastest trip from Minnetonka to Minneapolis... beat 5 minutes, I dare you!)
34. "Oh yeah, you blend"
35. Roaller Coasters
36. Golden Eagle on Friday mornings with my Burnin' Loves
37. Pretending that Michael Jordan retired as a member of the Chicago Bulls
38. The Daily Show humor
39. Puzzles and Trivia games
40. People magazine on a plane ride
41. Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk
42. Jim's smile when he thinks something is really funny
43. Fantasy novels (like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.)
44. Katie's style and dedication
45. Chocolate chip cookies
46. Giving Christmas presents
47. Dad's enthusiam
48. Sour Patch Kids
49. Lists (I can't get enough of Worst fashion of 2008, best wedding dresses in movies, Top 50 comedies, etc.)
50. Seeing history occur before my eyes

50 things I hate
1. People who leave their car turn signals on too long (especially around cloverleafs)
2. Being hungry
3. When windshield wipers stop working
4. Christmas lights still turned on in March... TURN THEM OFF!
5. Women's locker rooms
6. Voice messages just saying " me back"
7. The fact that I suck at all video and card games
8. Brussel sprouts
9. Akward silences
10. Being so dizzy that you throw up
11. Guilt trips
12. Slow drivers in the left-hand lane
13. WOW quests that never end
14. The alarm clock
15. Waking up in the middle of the night to an empty house
16. Worrying too much
17. Biased journalism
18. Politics (why can't people have a debate without wanting to kill eachother)
19. Giving advice on people's credit (I DON'T WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!)
20. The fact that I can't touch my toes
21. Waiting in line for simple things like gas
22. Any type of confrontation
23. The weird small talk that occurs with hairdressers
24. Movies that are depressing from start to finish...The Talented Mr. Ripley comes to mind.
25. Brad Childress and his clock management
26. Brad Pitt
27. Armpit hair
28. Opening a $100 bottle of wine to find out it's corked.
29. Having nothing to do
30. Making any kind of decision
31. Airports. Everything stupid about humans comes out in the security line.
32. Dane Cook - YELLING ISN'T FUNNY!
33. Vodka
34. Waking up when it's dark outside
34. Politicans that I have had to put up with: the Wrestler (Jesse Ventura), the Terminator (Arnold) and now the Joke (Al Franken.)
35. Being sore
36. People who are at the gym to socialize instead of work out
37. I-80
39. Women who sell cosmetics at department stores
40. Any coach who doesn't know how many time outs are left.
41. Not being able to say "no" to anyone
42. The Mall of America and the 10 Cheese shops inside
43. Ridiculously painful cold weather
44. The fact that New York, Florida and California have 3 football teams and my team is at risk of leaving the state.
45. Laundry
46. Stopping for those stupid stop lights when trying to get on a highway.
47. Bad HTML code that doesn't copy and paste correctly
48. Being late to any type of appointment
49. Coffee shops with drive-thru windows
50. Taxes

1 comment:

KK said...

Ha ha - I SO do your #1 hate item.... Now everytime I do I will think of you!

Miss you.